The stars which shine in their splendor are very beautiful
These we each have within, given to each and every one.
Wide golden fields show us freedom of mind to choose
Or strong winds blow with clouds of darkness and thunder.
Our thoughts create such beauty or such danger
And are shared into the world each moment of every day.
We are the head yet in truth we are the least,
True royalty provides for her people above and beyond.
Do not think one is over another,
As the crown we are given to reveal is not ours to keep.
All must be given to others before one sits to eat for oneself,
Safety is felt by others when you give it freely and
From within our heart do we make such requests.
Every word of our thoughts is the nourishment
For our children, which is everyone else around me.
We grow them according to how we grow ourselves,
It is my given charge to hold them high every moment.
This way we raise all into their highest potential
Which is already designed from above
All my thoughts are those which will return my care and love
That which will speak the same, is that which I think,
Care that I not send my family into danger or death.
Love all as a young child,
Sacrifice all else for such a need.
Such a great family of humanity,
Those willing hearts of fire
For such an exalted goal.
Yet keep in mind we each are the opposite of the goal.
We must rise above to reveal love,
As it takes exertion to release us from hatred.
True love is only revealed from within darkness,
Only then does love shine.
Any tears we share open the gates of above
With the depth of our hearts desire for others.
If we speak for ourselves the gates remain closed.
Hear my cry, that I send no one to die.
Humanity cannot escape this goal we have been given.