Each day we receive an addition of the ego that we must choose to overcome, connecting ourselves together as a single heart above daily opposition given. That we would begin to feel and choose the importance of the collective connection between us.
To view the exercises of our nature just like what we do with a baby, to do this is already another level. When the baby grows we begin to play with it, to give him something for his hands to move around, to help him smile or increase motor skills.
These are already changes that move us in different directions, so similarly between us we try to digest states where we seek to find importance of connection, communication between all of us as humanity.
Then in the light of this intention for stronger communication, we attain the next level of our collective nature even though the ego between us becomes greater, seemingly separating us more that we can't even bear each other. We feel ourselves in an intensity of connection where we connect above the differences. This ladder is how we ascend in degrees of humanity.