As humanity, are we the architects or the builders?
We want to participate in this building because to the extent that we agree to connect our collective desire into one, this vessel is built generation after generation.
We don't need to search for some force in addition, we only need to get close in the connection between us. This coming closer to connection between us as humanity as one whole, shall determine and reveal the form of the desire. Meaning the form of our soul whether it gives or receives for the whole or for oneself.
Because the true form of the soul, our collective desire, this corrected form is already present, we just need to be drawn to be incorporated in it. We don't need to build it, also not out of bricks, not out of trees, not out of anything.
We need to build it only out of our desires, individual and collective, that to the extent that we are willing to connect between us without any conditions, just to be connected above all seeming differences then this vessel exists, comes to be.
This is called that we are drawn to the house called the vessel, a vessel of giving is what we want to build between us. It is not a building, it is a vessel, a desire, which wants to bestow like the one force which moves all of nature towards it.